Friday, January 11, 2013

I wanted to write and finish a book!

 "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. 

Now put the foundations under them." 

~Henry David Thoreau~

I've been trying to finish a book for years. Any book; small, big, it really didn't matter just finish something! Starting is easy but finishing is much, much harder.
Last March Jess told me that she had found a company that publishes books and they were having a contest. It was free to enter and all you had to do was write a complete book. 
I hardly even listed to what she was talking about and when she was done I said 'yeah that sounded was cool, but I wasn't going to do it'.
The next week we went on vacation to a lake house. (The first week of April.) The day after we got back I started writing. I wrote non stop all through April and May. At night I fell asleep while typing words in my head and, I'm not kidding, while I walked my dog every thought I had was slowed down because I was mentally typing every letter of every word. (Fortunately I didn't do that while I was talking).
Anyway I kept at it and for the first time ever I finish! Thanks to a lot of willing family members who helped edit and edit and edit. I entered it in the contest in June. And I didn't win. I didn't come close!
But I had finished and that was the best thing I could have done.
Daddy bought a printed copy of my book for me because he is an awesome Dad! And the next week I started on another book. Erin walked in and asked me what I was doing; when I told her she looked surprised. "Again?"
I stared at her for a moment then asked her what she was doing.
"Playing the violin."
She understood what I was saying.

I love it when I'm in the middle of a good book and no matter what I'm doing, always, at the back of my mind is the thought of that book and I look forward to when I can go back and read a little more of it.
Writing is just like that for me. I always know, at the back of my mind, that I have a story waiting for my; and the best part is I get to decide exactly what happens next!

Well Bye,

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