Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hardly anyone has herd of the Ride…

Jack Jouett

Jack Jouett’s Rike
Written by: Joy Hakim

Hardly anyone has heard of the Ride
Of big Jack Jouett through the countryside;
No poet told of his frantic flight
Through Virginia’s forest in the dark of night

The British were marching. they were heading west
Seeking one prize over all the rest:
It was the man who had make the king glower,
Virginia’s governor-WANTED-for London’s tower,

Big Jack. feather in his cap, cut by briars short of sleeps,
Had revers to cross and fences to leap,
Till he reined in his horse and came to a stop
At a house, Monticello, on a mountain top.

“Dragoons,” he warned “They’re coming, They’re real!”
The governor, at breakfast, finished his meal.
Then he mounted his horse and rode off and away
A minute later-that’s the truth, so they say-
The redcoats arrived; too late, and they know it,
Thomas Jefferson was gone, with thanks to-
Jack Jouett

Dragoons = A British soldier

It's deenitly not "Paul Reveres Ride" but I was find of good.

Well Bye, 

Monday, January 30, 2012

the face of the world

Day 30

“Whoever shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world.” 
~Benjamin Franklin~

Well Bye,

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In circumstances dark as these,

 Day 29

 “In circumstances dark as these, it becomes us, as Men and Christians, to reflect that, whilst every prudent measure should be taken to ward off the impending Judgements… All confidence must be withheld from the means we use; and reposed only on that GOD who rules in the Armies of Heaven, and without whose Blessing the best human Consels are but Foolishness-- and all created Power Vanity.”
~John Hancock~

Well Bye,

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The People...

 Day 28

“The people seldom of never assemble in any riotous of tumultuous manner unless they are oppressed.”
~From a speech in 1737 in parliament that Bostonians liked to quote. ~

Well Bye,

Friday, January 27, 2012

I don't have a title

Day 27

 “Anger is seldom without a Reason, but seldom with a good one.”
~Benjamin Franklin~

Well Bye, 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A long habit...

 Day 26

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficia appearance of being right.” 
~Thomas Paine~

Well Bye, 

The spelling errs are not my(for once)that was T. Paine's fault. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free and Independent

Day 25

“These United colonies are, and by right ought to be, free and independent States.”
~Richard Henry Lee~

Well Bye, 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let us not be wiser than our Maker

 Day 24

 “I know there is an objection among many people to teaching children doctrines of any kind, because they are liable to be controverted. But let us not be wiser than our Maker. If moral precepts alone could have reformed mankind, the mission of the Son of God into our world would have been unnecessary. He came to promulgate a system of doctrines, as well as a system of morals. The prefect morality of the Gospel rests upon a doctrine which, though often controverted, has never been refuted; I mean the vicarious life and death of the Son of God. This sublime and ineffable doctrine delivers us from the absurd hypothesis of modern philosophers concerning the foundation of moral obligation, and fixes it upon the eternal and self-moving principle of LOVE. It concentrates a whole system of ethics in a single text of Scripture: ‘A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, even as knowledge of this doctrine from children, we deprive ourselves of the best means of awakening moral sensibility in their minds. We do more; we furnish an argument for with holding from them a knowledge of the morality of the Gospel likewise; for this, in many instances, is as supernatural, and therefore as liable to be controverted, as any of the doctrines of miracles which are mentioned in the New Testament. The miraculous conception of the Savior of the world by a virgin is not more opposed to the ordinary course of natural events, nor is the doctrine of the atonement more above human reason, than those moral precepts which command us to love our enemies of to die for our friends.”
~Benjamin Rush~ 

Well Bye,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Surrounding them

 Day 23

“Do you not remember the story you told me of the scotch sergeant, who met with a party of forty American Soldiers, and thought alone, disarmed them all, and brought them in prisoners? A story almost as improbable as that of the Irishman, who pretended to have alone taken and brought in Five of the enemy by Surrounding them.”

~Benjamin Franklin ~
in a letter to William Strahan

I thought that this one was kind of funny. Just my thought on it.
Well Bye,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Who is wise?

Day 22

  “Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He Who is content. Who is that? Nobody.”

~Benjamin Franklin~

Well Bye,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Committee of Correspondence

Day 21

“The committee of Correspondence is purely an American Invention It is and Invention of Mr. Samuel Adams, who first conceived the Thought, made the first Motion in Boston Town Meeting and was himself chosen the first chairman of a committee of correspondence, that ever existed among men.”

~John Adams~
To Thomas Diggers

Soon after the committee of Correspondence where started by Samuel Adams in Boston, in 1772, all the other colonies but Pennsylvania organized their own.

Well Bye, 
    P. S. To Day is Ethan Allen's Birthday

Friday, January 20, 2012

not one more sensible...

Day 20

“In the Congress of 1774 there was not one member, except Patrick Henry, who appeared to me sensible of the precipice of rather the Pinnacle on which he stood, and had candor and courage enough to acknowledge it.”
~John Adams~

Well Bye,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Free Government

Day 19
   “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed.”

~Noah Webster~

Well Bye,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."
~George Washington~ 1 President of the United States

"If this nation is ever destroyed it will not be from without but from within"
~Aberham Lincoln~  16 President of the United States

"The government aof the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
~John Adams~ 2 President of the United States

"Can the Liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, and conviction in the minds of the people that these Liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath."
~Thomas Jefferson~ 3 President of the United States

"The Government governs best that governs least."
~Thomas Jefferson~ 3 President of the United States

"All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree."
~James Madison~ 4 President of the United States

"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
~Thomas Jefferson~ 3 President of the United States

"Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression."
~James Madison~ 4 President of the United States

"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
~James Madison~ 4 President of the United States

This is just something that I thought was fitting for the day.
If you don't know what I'm talking about try looking something up on Wikipedia.

Well Bye,

We are not to expect...

Day 18

“We are not to expect to be translated form despotism to liberty in a feather-bed.”

~Thomas Jefferson~ 

Well Bye,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Doggies Have Feelings


My family and I all thought that this song was funny.
I hope all of you like it, even those who don't care for Veggies Tales.
Just to enjoy it and laugh!☺

Well Bye, 

Happy Birthday Mr. Franklin

Day 17

“I never visited him without learning something.”

~Benjamin Rush~
About Benjamin Franklin

Well Bye, 
To day is Benjamin Franklin's 306th birthday.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Liberty Song

Day 16

“The Liberty Song”
Written By: John Dickinson

Come, join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
And rouse your bold hearts at fair Liberty's call;
No tyrannous acts shall suppress your just claim,
Or stain with dishonor America's name.

In Freedom we're born and in Freedom we'll live.
Our purses are ready. Steady, friends, steady;
Not as slaves, but as Freemen our money we'll give.

Our worthy forefathers, let's give them a cheer,
To climates unknown did courageously steer;
Thro' oceans to deserts for Freedom they came,
And dying, bequeath'd us their freedom and fame.


Their generous bosoms all dangers despis'd,
So highly, so wisely, their Birthrights they priz'd;
We'll keep what they gave, we will piously keep,
Nor frustrate their toils on the land and the deep.


The tree their own hands had to Liberty rear'd;
They lived to behold growing strong and revered;
With transport they cried, "Now our wishes we gain,
For our children shall gather the fruits of our pain."


Swarms of placemen and pensioners soon will appear
Like locusts deforming the charms of the year;
Suns vainly will rise, showers vainly descend,
If we are to drudge for what others shall defend.


Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall;
In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed,
For heaven approves of each generous deed.


All ages shall speak with amaze and applause,
Of the courage we'll show in support of our Laws;
To die we can bear, but to serve we disdain.
For shame is to Freedom more dreadful than pain.


This bumper I crown for our Sovereign's health,
And this for Britannia's glory and wealth;
That wealth and that glory immortal may be,
If She is but Just, and if we are but Free.


Well Bye,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Anticipate good..

 Day 15

“I always endeavor to anticipate good instead ill Fortune, and find it turns to good Account. Were this Practice more general, I fancy Mankind would experience more Happiness than they usually do.”
~John ay to Sarah Jay~

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Crazy Brother!!!

Michael did not want to have his picture taken unless I would be in it with him.

But when I said okay and we tried to take the picture, the crazy little thing stuck his tougue out the whole time and would not smile.☺

And after many, many, many tries,

 He finely smiled!

Well Bye,

The times that try men't souls

Day 14

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their Country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of men and woman.”
~Thomas Paine~
Encouraging American soldiers~

Well Bye,

Friday, January 13, 2012

A little explanation

Y'all have all probably be wondering why all of a sudden I started just posting random history things. Well I was going to tell you -before I began- that I was going to try to post a history thing every day for the year of 2012 but I got busy and all I had time to do was copy and past the things I had already typed out, and schedule them.
But anyway that is what all the history posts are and if you don't like history, and I do understand it you don't, (there are a few topics that I would not like to read someones blog about, math to name one) well, then just don't read it. You can read just posts about my family and me by going to the top and just clicking the thing that says Family Life then you should be able to figure out the rest, it's pretty self explanatory.
Some days will be better than others it's hard to find 366 good quotes and songs.
Oh, and by the way, all of the history posts are in the American Revolution era. I might give the civil war a shoot next year of something but for know this is what I like and this is the best I can come up with, so I hope you do read it and I hope you do like it.

Well Bye,

The Wisdom of Mr. Franklin

Day 13

You need not be concerned in Writing me about your bad spelling; for in my opinion as our Alphabet now stands, the bad Spelling, of what is called so, is generally the best, as conforming to the Sound of the Letters and of the Words. To give you an Instance, a Gentleman receiving a Letter in which ere there Words, “Not finding Brown at hom, I delivered your maseg to his yf.” The Gentleman finding it bad Spelling and therefore not very intelligible, called his Lady to help him read it. Between them they picked out the meaning of all but the “yf,” which they could not understand. The lady proposed calling her Chambermaid; “for Batty,”says she, “has  the best knack at reading bed Spelling of anyone I know.” Batty came, and was surprized that neither Sir nor Madam could tell what “yf” was “Why,” says she, “‘yf’“  spells Wife, shat else can it spell?” And indeed it is a much better as well as shorter method of speling “Wife,” than by “Doubleyou, i ef e,” Which in reality spells “Doubleyifey.”
~Benjamin Franklin ~
To his Sister, after she lamented her bad spelling.

I got a book from the library recently of quotes from our founding fathers and this was in it and I was just so surprised and thought that it was so funny, primarily because I have never been very happy with the fact that I am not good at spelling.

Well I hope you think it's funny too.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A plant of rapid growth

Day 12

“Liberty, when it begins to take root is a plant of rapid growth.”
~George Washington~

Well Bye,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My sweet little siblings!

They are just so cute that I had to post some pictures.

Well Bye,

Who Thought?

 Day 11

“Some Talked , Some Wrote, and some fought to promote and establish it, but you and Mr, Jefferson thought for us all, I never take a retrospect of the years 1775 and 1776 without associating your opinions and speeches and conversations with all the great political, moral, and intellectual achievements of the congress of those memorable years,”
~Benjamin Rush~
To John Adams

Well Bye,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cause of America

 Day 10

  “It was the cause of America that make me an author.”
~Thomas Paine~

In 1776 on January 10 Common Sense was published for the first time.

Well Bye

Monday, January 9, 2012

Don’t give up Liberty!

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~Benjamin Franklin~

Well Bye, 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Somebody said...

Day 8

 “Somebody said, there was nobody on our side but the Almighty. The Doctor who is a native of Switzerland, and speaks but broken English, quickly replied, “Dat is enough - Dat is enough,” and turning to me, says he, “It puts me in mind of the fellow who once said, ‘The Catholics have on their side the Pope, and the king of France, and the king of Spain, and the king of Sardinia, and the king of Poland, and the Emperor of Germany etc. etc. etc. But as to them poor Devils the Protestants, they have nothing on their side but God Almighty’” 

~John Adams~
In a letter to Abigail
Well Bye,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Liberty is to be gained by inches

Day 7

  “The ground of Liberty is to be gained by inches, and we must be contented to secure what we can get from time to time and eternally press forward for what is yet to get. It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.”
~Thomas Jefferson~

Well Bye,

Friday, January 6, 2012

A good Reputation

Day 6

   “I hope in time to have the Reputation of being as good a farmeress as my partner has of being a good statesman.”
~ Abigail Adams to John Adams ~

Well Bye,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Always Fun!

We went to Bass Pro Shops with our Grandmother when she came down for Christmas.
She had so much fun and took a lot of pictures. Here are a few.

Well Bye, 

Keeping Friends

Day 5

“A benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance.”
~Benjamin Franklin~

Well Bye,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

Day 4

“He aimed well.”

Form Benjamin Rush’s Sketches. What Benjamin Rush said about himself.

Well Bye,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Day 3

 Yankee Doodle
       Written by: Anonymous 1775 poem

Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Goodwin,
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy!
Mind the music and the steps,
And with the girls be handy!

There was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion,
Giving orders to his men,
I guess there was a million.


And there they had a swamping gun
As big as a log of maple,
 On a deuced little cart!
 A load for Father’s cattle.


And every time they fired ti off,
It took a horn of powder;
 It made a noise like father’s gun,
Only a nation louder.


And there I saw a little keg.
 Its heads were made of leather-
They knocked upon it with little sticks
 To call the folks together.


The troopers, too, would gallop up
And fire right in our faces,
It scared me almost half to death
To see them run such races.


But I can’t tell you half I saw;
 They kept up such a smother,
 So I took off my hat, made a bow,
 And scampered home to mother.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy!
Mind the music and the steps,
And with the girls be handy!

Well Bye,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Your Country is at Stake!

Day 2

“You have done all I asked you to do, and more than could be reasonably expected, but your country is at stake, your wives, your houses, and all that you hold dear. You have worn yourselves out with fatigues and hardships but we know not how to spare you.”
~George Washington~
To his soldiers on December 30, 1776 

Well Bye,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Stand Fast!

Day 1

“Our forefathers passed the vast Atlantic, spent their blood and treasure, that they might enjoy their liberties,Both civil and religious, and transmit them to their posterity. Their children have waded through seas of difficulty, to leave us free and happy in the enjoyment of English privileges. Now, if we should give them up, can our children rise up and call us blessed? Is not a death in defense of our liberties better than a short infamous life, and our memory to be had in detestation to the latest posterity? Let us all be of one heart, and stand fast in the liberties wherewith Christ has made us free.” 
~William Prescott~

Well Bye,