Thursday, September 20, 2012

The way I read a book!

   Erin says I procrastinate about reading. I love reading but for some reason I never can seem to just sit down and do it. 
I start by reading the back cover. 
Then the inside cover. 
I read about the author and the titles of every chapter if it has titles and I get very upset if it does not. 
   Then I go so far as to look at the year it was copy righted. 
What categories it is filed under. 
Who the publisher is. 
Then I read the dedication (I really don't like it when the author doesn't tell you who the person is. Like- "To Amanda" or "For you Rusty". I like it when they say something- "To Josh my amazing and patient husband" of "For Luke my sweet son who has never liked to read." 
Then I might go so far as to go down to Jessica's room and ask her if she could just tell me what happens. (I don't handle suspense very well.) 
But of course Jess want tell me. 
And with that I read the first wards of the book.
 And with most books from that moment, until I read the last words, I can't put it down."         

Well Bye,

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